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This is just one of OBMG’s Financially Self-Sustainable Local Neighborhoods operating worldwide since 1989.

 Buddy Hooper - Location Clearwater, Florida USA .

GUARANTEEING additional sales for select businesses, professionals, and income for people since 1989, regardless of the state of the economy. OBMG also helps the unemployed and school and college students earn additional income and pay no cash fees.


OBMG is performance-based; OBMG doesn’t perform, you don’t pay. 

Unique Business Model: OBMG combines elements from the credit card industry, banking sector, and specific U.S. tax legislation to create a system that guarantees additional income for select businesses, professionals, and individuals worldwide, regardless of the economic climate. OBMG FAQ!

Exclusivity and Profit Increase: By offering exclusivity similar to early credit card systems, OBMG guarantees additional sales for businesses and professionals and increases their net profit significantly. For most businesses, a 10% increase in OBMG sales can lead to a 50% increase in net profit.

No Credit or Debit Card Required: No cost unless OBMG delivers new customers who will purchase your products and services. OBMG also helps the unemployed, school and college students earn additional income and pay no cash fees. A+ BBB Rating.

Community-Driven Income Model: Members can earn additional income by signing new members and brokering them, receiving 70% of the cash broker fees. This model encourages community participation and helps maintain a robust currency circulation.

Legal Framework: OBMG operates under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) of 1982.These features highlight OBMG's innovative approach to creating financially self-sustainable local neighborhoods and providing additional income opportunities for everyone, everywhere.

Why these members love OBMG.

OBMG brings more sales, income, and money.

OBMG's featured member's marketplace listings.

More information about OBMG.

OBMG Current Advertising Package.