
Clearwater, Florida 33765 USA

Buddy Hooper

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OrangeBee Money Global, Since 1989, OBMG Financially Self-Sustainable Local Neighborhoods.


.OrangeBee Money Global (OBMG) has developed a unique business model that combines elements from the credit card industry, banking sector, and specific U.S. tax legislation to create a system that guarantees additional income for select businesses, professionals, and people worldwide, regardless of the state of the economy.
With only 10% additional OBMG sales for most businesses, their net profit increases by a whopping 50%.

With no cost ever unless OBMG delivers new customers who will purchase your products and services.  

Then only a 10% cash broker fee on the purchase and a small monthly fee.

A+ BBB Rating

OBMG also helps the unemployed, school and college students earn additional income and pay no cash fees.

You probably already guessed that to accomplish this astonishing feat, we must be doing something unusual and somewhat confusing, and that is true. But, if you want what we outlined above and below, you should do what our current 
open-minded members did and study what is on this website. However, if you don't understand, what do you have to lose?

TEFRA Makes OBMG Legal: In 1982, the U.S. Congress enacted the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsible Act (TEFRA), which set up the legal structure under which OrangeBee Money Global "OBMG" operates. That essentially set OBMG up as a third-party record keeper and bank. OBMG uses an online bank such as Wells Fargo, Bank America, etc.

Exclusivity Makes It Work: OBMG uses the same business model the credit card systems (American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, etc.) used when they started. They gave select businesses exclusivity based on what they sold and their location to induce businesses to accept a completely new and unproven concept. Exclusivity: if you snooze, you lose because if you put off joining OBMG until later, there may not be an opening for your type of business in your area.

OBMG's Online Bank Makes It Possible: such as Wells Fargo, Bank America, etc. OBMG transactions can be processed internationally using our website or mobile app without all the associated credit card fees.

Though not made of gold, OBMG money is real Commodity-based money backed by the products and services of others participating in the OBMG Complementary Monetary System.

Just what is there not to love about OBMG?

Learned enough? This is a no-brainer. With everything to gain & nothing to lose. Join OBMG Now

In addition to OBMG's money income, OBMG offers members a financially self-sustainable Local Neighborhood and receive 70% of cash broker fees from signed and brokered members.

In line with its community-driven culture, OBMG avoids advertising expenditures by sharing cash broker fees with its members to help grow OBMG. This ingenious strategy incentivizes member participation and ensures that currency circulation remains robust and dynamic.

This proposition is an attractive proposition for those looking to build their own financially self-sustainable local Neighborhood. When they sign new members & broker them, they receive seventy percent (70%) of cash broker fees received from them, a potent source of cash income.

Oh yes, they can sign up OBMG members worldwide and work wherever and whenever they wish.  

Click On Links Below For Additional Information.

To See The  OBMG FAQ!
To See OBMG Featured Members!

To See Why These Members Love OBMG!

To See The No Cost OBMG Mobile App And What It Can Do!

To See Why ChatGPT Validates OBMG Local Neighborhoods!

"The old adage "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." In fact, the suspicion, cynicism, and doubt inherent in this belief can and does keep people from taking advantage of excellent opportunities. Richard Carlson ♦ Author, Psychotherapist, Speaker

If you think what we do sounds "too good to be true," we believe the following will remove all your suspicion, cynicism, and doubt.

Click on the category below that best represents your category to learn how OBMG brings them more sales, income, and money and can do the same for you.AI Professions       Accommodations       Amusement Companies      Businesses
Cruise Industry       Individuals     Influencers       Manufacturers       Media & Advertising
Professionals       Realtors       Restaurants       School And College Students
Travel Industry       Underemployed       Unemployed      Non-Profits And Charitable Associations
Saves Local Newspapers      Saves Advertisers Vanishing Assets      Solves Your Inflation Problem